Brain-eating amoeba fears on the rise


ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST (WGNO) – Neighbors in St. John Parish fearful of a brain-eating amoeba in their drinking water are taking extra precautions.

“If it can go through the nose it can probably go through anywhere else is what I’m thinking,” says Christopher Dalgo.  “And I was worried about his eyes ears, you know, the mouth.”

The amoeba became known after chlorine levels in the water tested low,

A chlorine burn to kill any potentially deadly bacteria began Thursday morning.

Informational flyers how to combat the amoeba were passed out to every home in St. John water district number one Wednesday.

“I am in district one,” says Deborah Johnson. “I have a grandson that`s five months old. His immune system wasn`t very well when he was born and I’m concerned about when I give him a bath.

Parish President Natalie Robottom says how chlorine levels in the water district got below regulations is under investigation, “We are continuing to look at that. DHH is looking at it as well. The water is safe to drink. You can bathe in it, shower in it you can cook with it.”

“Who trusts water you can`t sniff up your nose,” says Michael Johnson. “And scared to breath the water something might go up your nose.”

Current water samples will be sent to a brand new laboratory at the state office of public health where it takes twelve days to get results.

There is no medical test to determine if someone`s been exposed.

St. John has brought in additional consultants to test and maintain the water plus people to help the parish address concerns.