Casinos start to reopen across Louisiana

Walking into a casino today will not be like walking into one two months ago.

At Treasure Chest Casino a temperature check will happen before going inside, and there will be a mask given to you when walking inside.

“Once you come on the boat, we will strongly encourage you to wear a face mask. If you don’t have one we will provide you with one. Every Treasure Chest employee will be wearing a mask on the boat. That is a very important method for helping prevent the spread,” says David Strow, with Boyd Gaming.
Once on the casino floor, there are no table games.

The only thing in operation will be half of the slot machines, that way people can keep their distance.

The restaurants will remain closed, for the time being.

Under the 25% capacity rule, some customers may have to wait in line to get in.

“We know that’s something there not used to, but it is a very important part of the safety of protocols. We hope they’re understanding as to why that is a occurring,” says Strow.

Expect to see employees cleaning high touch surfaces. Frequently cleaned areas will be slot machines, hand rails, and elevator buttons.

“We sanitize these things frequently, because we know that is an important part of keeping the property safe and healthy, is that you have to sanitize these surfaces frequently,” says Strow.

Boyd Gaming who owns Treasure Chest Casino has five casinos across Louisiana.

This week Evangeline Downs in Opelousas and Delta Downs in Vinton are welcoming people back.

Next week two more casinos in Amelia and Shreveport will reopen.