City offers bounty to anyone who cuts down Bradford pear trees

FAYETTEVILLE, Arkansas — The City of Fayetteville is offering a bounty on Bradford pear trees this spring.

Bradford pear trees are considered an invasive species in Northwest Arkansas. They spread quickly and choke out the area’s native trees, shrubs, and flowers. The city says native tree species are more beneficial to the environment and wildlife.

To spread awareness and discourage the spread of invasive trees, the city will give one native tree to each person who cuts down a Bradford pear on their property within city limits.

The City of Fayetteville says they will not be able to cut down your tree. They say property owners should cut their own tree or hire a company.

To qualify, residents should take a picture of their cut-down Bradford pear tree while they are in bloom from mid-March to early April. Then bring the photograph to one of two locations (listed below) or email the picture to urbanforestry@fayetteville-ar.gov. The city asks that you include your name, address, and phone number.

Trees will be given away on a first-come-first-serve basis. One hundred native trees will be available; species include American plum, flowering dogwood, eastern redbud, hawthorn and serviceberry.