This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

ELMIRA, N.Y. (WETM) – College students have missed out on the normal “college experience” this year, and some of them will miss out on one of the biggest weeks in college, as well, spring break.

According to Elmira College officials, Elmira College does not have a typical “spring break” since we operate on a three-term basis. Term II, or the Winter Term, is scheduled to start on January 19 and end on April 19. There is normally a Winter Break in late February, but that has been removed from this year’s academic calendar.

“As a senior, I’m ok not having that spring break if it means that I can be on campus in-person classes and participating,” said Elmira Senior, Taylor Hanson.

“I play soccer here and I’m hoping the Empire 8 still has games, I’m hoping that UCHE doesn’t get canceled, so if it means that our teams can play we can have in-person classes, I’m willing to give up that spring break,” said Hanson.

Other local colleges, like Mansfield University, will begin Spring 2021 semester classes on February 1 and will not have a spring break to reduce travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.