2008 death of Casey White’s ex-girlfriend to be re-examined by investigators

ALABAMA (WHNT) — The Limestone County Sheriff’s Office is reopening an investigation into the mysterious death of Casey White’s ex-girlfriend in 2008 as the hunt for the murder suspect and corrections officer Vicky White concluded.

The investigation involves the death of 31-year-old Christy Shelton, who was shot to death with a sawed-off shotgun. Officials initially ruled her death a suicide. 

At the time of Shelton’s death, police said White was there at her home in Lexington. But after an investigation, he was ruled out as a suspect.  

Shelton’s family said they never believed that story. They asked questions about what exactly Casey was doing when Shelton was shot. Casey and Shelton were dating at the time and her family has taken to social media to push for a re-investigation into this case.

In a video sent to News 19, Somer Mitchell, the daughter of Christy Shelton, says when Casey White escaped with the assistance of prison guard Vicky White, it opened a range of uncontrollable emotions for her and her family who are seeking justice for her mother. 

“Casey White was with my mom the night that she committed suicide,” Mitchell said in the video. “Nothing was really done. I don’t think they took him in for questioning. So maybe this video will fall into the right hands of someone that can actually make a difference or look into it more maybe investigate. I’m not really sure.”

Seven years after Shelton’s death, White broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home, shot at two of her friends, and killed her dog during a crime spree that sent him to prison for 75 years. As White remains on the run, more of his dark and violent past has come to light.  

A spokesperson for the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office says that they are communicating with the family and reviewing the case. 

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