Arrest: Cut Off man accused of sex crimes involving teen

Ralph Cheramie Jr.

CUT OFF, La. (BRPROUD) – A 62-year-old man from Cutt Off is under investigation for sex crimes involving a juvenile that allegedly occurred nearly two decades ago, authorities say. 

According to the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office (LPSO), Ralph Cheramie Jr. was arrested Tuesday after detectives learned he engaged in inappropriate sexual contact with the individual when she was a young teenager. 

The Sheriff’s Office says the 62-year-old Cut Off man may have abused other victims, and an investigation into his alleged activities remains ongoing. 

Authorities are asking that any other victims contact LPSO’s Office of Criminal Investigations at (985) 532-4359.

Cheramie has been booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex on charges that include two counts of oral sexual battery, sexual battery, and indecent behavior with a juvenile.

As of Wednesday, his bail is set at $300,000.