Iberia Parish man arrested on marijuana possession charges with a child present

Dylan Fritz

NEW IBERIA, La. (KLFY) — Iberia Parish sheriff’s deputies arrested a man during a traffic stop after finding a large amount of marijuana in his car with an 8-year-old child present.

Dylan Fritz, 21, was charged with possession of a Schedule I narcotic, possession with intent to distribute, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of a firearm with a controlled substance and possession of a controlled substance in the presence of a juvenile.

Sheriff’s deputies pulled Fritz over in a traffic stop at around 11 p.m., Saturday, March 27, and found 33.09 grams of marijuana, a marijuana grinder and a Beretta 9mm gun. A woman and an 8-year-old were also in the car at the time. Fritz claimed ownership of the items.

He was booked into the Iberia Parish Correctional Center and his bail was set at $12,000.

“Children are our greatest gift, and adults need to be more conscious of what children witness,” said Sheriff Tommy Romero. “I urged adults and parents to be a positive example in children’s lives. The arrest of a parent or a family member is detrimental to the health and wellbeing of a child. I will not tolerate this irresponsible behavior.”