Mandeville Police attribute COVID-19 restrictions for sharp decline in thefts

MANDEVILLE, La. — The Mandeville Police Department has released its UCR numbers for 2020 on Monday. The statistics are compiled from seven categories which make up the national Uniform Crime Report that is reported to the FBI annually.

Those seven categories are murder, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, theft, and auto theft.

The city of Mandeville experienced decreases from the previous calendar year in three of the seven categories. After reporting two homicides for 2019, the MPD has reported none for 2020.

The biggest drop was in the theft category, with 75 less reports than the previous year, to which the MPD attributes to COVID-19 restrictions limiting the number of occupants inside a retail establishment at any given time.

According to the MPD, retail thefts (shoplifting) generally make up the biggest percentage of the theft category.

Murders – there were 0 murders in Mandeville for 2020 (2 in 2019) -100%

Rape – MPD investigated 2 rapes in 2020 (2 in 2019) 0% change

Robbery – numbers down to 2 for 2020 (3 in 2019) -33.30%

Assaults – increased by 15 with 95 reported in 2020 (80 reported in 2019) +18.80%

Burglary – reports totaled 29 for 2020 (23 reported in 2019) +26.10%

Theft – down significantly with 125 cases in 2020 (200 in 2019) -37.50%

Auto thefts – up by 2 with a total of 8 for 2020 (6 in 2019) +33.30%