Mother of murdered 7-year-old pleads for justice

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — A Christmas tree sits in the corner of the Burton home. Under it, many gifts that will never be opened.

“My baby will never get to wear her shoes,” said Maquisha Burton, mother of Dillan Burton.

Dillan was killed in a drive-by shooting the night after Christmas in Algiers. Dillan and her 6-year-old sister Kennedi were in their mother’s car as she was driving 1700 block of General DeGaulle Drive when someone opened fire. Now, Kennedi will have to grow up without her big sister.

Maquisha says her daughter Dillan was a kind, smart little girl who loved school; her favorite subjects were math and reading. Dillan also loved making TikToks with her sister and was looking forward to dancing in next year’s Mardi Gras parades.

“They was going to be in the parade for this parade season. She used to practice all day, all day, all day,” said Maquisha.

Now, there won’t be dance practices, TikToks or play time for the Burton sisters, just an open wound in this mother’s heart.

“Before Kennedi even came, me and Dillan stayed in a shelter together. My baby been through everything with me, and through everything Dillan — no matter what we been through — Dillan always loved me. I’ve always been her person. No matter what we been through, she always looked at me like I was her super woman,” said Maquisha.

Despite the fact that Maquisha watched her daughter die, she says she isn’t mad at the shooter. She says she just wants justice for Dillan.

“She didn’t deserve this, and I’m not mad, I’m not mad at the person who did this and I know my Dillan not mad, but we need you to be held responsible because this wasn’t right,”

The New Orleans Police Department is looking for a car described as a newer model, white and silver Chevy pick up truck with a bed cover on the back. If you’ve seen this car or know anything about this shooting, call Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111 — you can remain anonymous.

There will be a balloon release for Dillan at her school, Success Prep at Thurgood Marshall at 4 p.m. on Thursday, December 30.