New Orleans priest accused of rape and assault of 10-year-old boy

Rev. John Asare-Dankwah

NEW ORLEANS — A lawsuit filed on Wednesday afternoon by an anonymous victim alleges Rev. John Asare-Dankwah of St. Peter Claver Catholic Church raped and assaulted him during a 2008 church retreat in Montgomery, Alabama.

The suit filed by “A.A. Doe” claims Asare-Dankwah exposed his genitals to the victim, who was 10 years old and a member of Asare-Dankway’s congregation at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church at the time.

According to the lawsuit, the victim claims the priest told him at the time, “This will be over soon” before being sexually assaulted.

READ: The full lawsuit filed by ‘A.A. Doe’ posted here.

Defendants named in the lawsuit, include Asare-Dankwah, the Archdiocese of New Orleans and Blessed Trinity Catholic Church.

Blessed Trinity Catholic Church

The Archdiocese of New Orleans has since issued the following statement:

“Today the Archdiocese of New Orleans was informed of a lawsuit alleging abuse of a minor against Fr. John Asare-Dankwah. The archdiocese had no notice of this allegation or this lawsuit prior to today and has not been served with this lawsuit. The archdiocese does not know the identity of the individual bringing this lawsuit and allegations against Fr. Asare.

Effective immediately, Archbishop Aymond has removed Fr. Asare from priestly ministry pending the outcome of the investigation. Fr. Asare has most recently served as pastor of St. Peter Claver Parish in New Orleans. Fr. Asare was informed of the allegations late this evening. He is currently out of the country on vacation visiting family in Ghana and has not been informed of the allegations.

The Archdiocese of New Orleans will ensure law enforcement is informed of this lawsuit and the allegations made.”