Watch: Louisiana State Police discuss the Ronald Greene investigative process

FILE - In this Aug. 28, 2020 file photo, family members of Ronald Greene listen to speakers as demonstrators gather for the March on Washington, in Washington, on the 57th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech. Officials told The Associated Press, federal authorities are investigating the death of Greene during what Louisiana State Police described as a struggle to take him into custody following a rural police chase last year. The death of the 49-year-old remains shrouded in secrecy because State Police have declined to release body-camera footage related to the May 2019 chase north of Monroe, La. (Michael M. Santiago/Pool via AP)

BATON ROUGE, La. — On Friday afternoon, the Louisiana State Police held a press conference to discuss the Ronald Greene investigation.

Gov. John Bel Edwards released the following statement about Louisiana State Police making public video of the arrest of Ronald Greene, which occurred in May of 2019.

Governor Edwards said:

“Today, Louisiana State Police released all of the video footage in its possession from the arrest of Ronald Greene, a move which I strongly support. This was done in consultation with both the U.S. Attorney’s office and District Attorney John Belton in Union Parish. As I’ve said before, I found the full video of Mr. Greene’s arrest, which I reviewed last year, to be disturbing and difficult to watch. After I met with Ronald Greene’s family on October 14 of last year, they were given the opportunity to see all of the videos, and I know it was difficult and heartbreaking for them to watch the last moments of Mr. Greene’s life.

I am fully supportive of Louisiana State Police Col. Lamar Davis, who became the head of LSP last October, and have confidence in his ability to not only lead but transform the agency. While the federal and state criminal investigations into this matter are ongoing, Col. Davis continues to work to improve the department so all Louisianans can have confidence in those who swore an oath to protect and serve them.”