Delgado Community College is helping students graduate on time, amid covid-19 pandemic

Delgado Community College

New Orleans – Delgado Community College is stepping up to meet the needs of its students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Classes have gone virtual.

The college, best known for its nursing, allied health, and career education programs, has transitioned lessons to an online format, which supports the needs of the local community.

The benefits:

-College students who are home from a 4-year college can take online classes which will transfer, and parents save money sending their children to Delgado for the summer

-Parents can encourage their children at home to take online classes

-People out of work due to COVID-19 can take online classes to pursue their college education

-Current students can take summer classes, which will enable them to finish earlier

Summer classes are all online and students are signing up—1,400 to date.

In addition to online classes, the community college is offering virtual college tours for possible future students.

Nearly 500 students have taken virtual tours of the college’s locations with the anticipation of more.