SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – People across the country are posting pictures of themselves wearing denim on April 29, 2020 which is National Denim Day.
Project Celebration, Inc., a local non-profit which helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse, posted this explanation of Denim Day on their Facebook page:
Denim Day is a national campaign that began after a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, thereby implying consent. Join Project Celebration and others world-wide to make a social statement by wearing jeans on April 29th as a visible means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual assault. Share your pictures using the hashtags #PCI #denimday #denimday2020 #nationaldenimday #SAAM #WeSupportSurvivors
To learn more about how you can help survivors or get resources for you or someone you love, visit