Down in the dumps? This is the best food for a good mood, survey says

Montage of fast food photos from McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Getty Images.

(NEXSTAR) — It’s undeniable that a good meal can act as a pick-me-up on a bad day, but what’s the best food to put you in a good mood?

According to a new survey, tacos are the most comforting food, by a small margin.

Thirty-one percent of people surveyed in a poll conducted by OnePoll for Hello Fresh said they eat tacos to get in a good mood. Just over 2,000 people were polled.

Tacos were followed by bacon and eggs, steak and fried rice as the best mood-boosting foods.

Sixty-five of survey respondents said what they eat greatly depends on their mood.

What do they reach for on a not-so-sunny day?

Twenty-five percent they seek out salty foods, while 31 percent go for sweet, with chocolate high on the list of comfort foods.

The survey also looked at cooking trends amid the pandemic. No surprises here: 37 percent of respondents say cooking has become “more of a chore” since the start of the global lockdown.

Though you might be tired of cooking, experts say don’t overdo it on the takeout.

The National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 1999-2014 found that eating out or ordering too much delivery might be causing conditions that contribute to premature death. 

The researchers found that people who eat out that much have a 49% higher risk of premature death. They were also 65% more likely to die of cancer.

“Frequent consumption of meals prepared away from home is significantly associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality,” the study states.