$4 million in scholarships! One high school girl makes the million dollar college decision

NEW ORLEANS – It’s the most wonderful time of the year for high school seniors.

It’s graduation season.

And then for many of the kids, off to college.

It makes most kids nervous.

WGNO News with a Twist fun guy Wild Bill Wood says it’s making one New Orleans kid into a millionaire.

Temporarily, that is.

But she’s now permanently one of Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

It all starts about a year ago.

That’s when Antoinette who’s about to graduate from high school any minute now started to paint.

Canvas and brush and paint.

Just to relax.

Just to release from stress from being a high school senior faced with all the decisions in her life.

Antoinette is Antoinette Love.

That’s right.

Her name is Love.

And her greatest love is for her school, International High School of New Orleans.

From history to her future  Antoinette Love is focused.

Antoinette Love is fixated.

All on going to college.

That’s if she can decide on one.

That’s one of the 150 she applied to.

And now accepted at almost all those colleges.

And she’s got some scholarship money which she needs.

Wild Bill asks Antoinette Love, “how much scholarship money did you get?”and fixated on going to college…

Antoinette Love answers, “$3.8 million dollars!”

Wild Bill says, “that’s almost $4 million dollars!”

When it comes to being a scholarship-multi-millionaire, Antoinette is sort-of-soft-spoken.

That makes her like her dad, Anthony Love.

Wild Bill asks him, “did you go to college?

Anthony Love answers, “I did not and did not finish high school.”

You can image how proud this dad is of his daughter.

As Antoinette and her dad Anthony sift through a back-pack full of acceptance letters and scholarship stuff, they’ve got a decision to make.

Her plan is to study elementary education.

To become a first grade teacher.

The $4-million-dollar girl is already where she wants to wind up.

In a classroom.
