Circus classes: Learn how to be an acrobat, a stilt walker and an aerialist

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Ever want to learn how to do superhero things like a circus performer?  There’s a place in the Marigny where you’ll learn how to do circus shennanigans.

News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez gives us a look at the Circus at Sanctuary – a place where where you can learn how to be an acrobat, a stilt walker and an aerialist.

Arianna Pelullo, also known as “Lady Beast,” is the director of programming at Circus at Sanctuary, where the goal is to raise money to develop programming at Sanctuary Cultural Arts Center.

“We want to have all sorts of classes like stilt walking, acrobatics, aerial classes, and all types of circus classes for kids and adults,” she said.

The Circus at Sanctuary is hoping to raise $60,000 through their IndieGoGo campaign online.

“We’re raising money to get all the circus equipment we need,” she said.

The Circus at Sanctuary will have various instructors who are trained in a variety of circus specialties.

“Circus training is total body training.  You learn to lift your body in the air and develop flexibility, strength, and how to tone your muscles.  A lot of times people say it is really awesome to see people do superhero things,”  Pelullo said.

Lindsay & Nick Williams are two of those instructors.

“I’m looking forward to working here,”  Nick Williams said.

“I’m excited to be a part of it because it fulfills the creative need in the community,” Lindsay Williams said.

For more information on Sanctuary Arts Center and all the classes and services they offer, click HERE.

If you’d like to help Circus at Sanctuary with their IndieGoGo campaign, click HERE.

On Friday, August 19th at 9 pm, they’ll be throwing a fundraiser to raise money for circus programming.   The dance party with burlesque, go-go girls, tarot readers, and a silent auction will be held at the Sanctuary Cultural Arts Center at 2525 Burgundy St.   Tickets are $10.