‘Dan the Cello Man’ has Hollywood in his hands, playing the songs of the Oscars

NEW ORLEANS –  His name is Daniel Lelchuk.

But you can see and hear why WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says Daniel Lelchuk is also “Dan the Cello Man”.

As “Dan the Cello Man” serenades with Somewhere Over the Rainbow,  the Oscar-winning classic from the Wizard of Oz,  he says, “there would be no Oscar-winning movies without Oscar-winning music.”

“Dan the Cello Man” has his hands on Hollywood, just in time for the Oscars.

That’s the Academy Awards which you can watch on WGNO ABC – 26 on Sunday, February 24.

The cello guy is ready.

Ready playing his cello like a shark.

Like the sound of a shark.

Wild Bill says to “Dan the Cello Man”, “you know you can name that tune you’re playing.”

“Dan the Cello Man”, says, “that’s Jaws by the great John Williams and it got him an Oscar.”

He plays the song on the same New Orleans stage used in the 5-time-Oscar-nominated movie Green Book.

Green Book was shot, mostly, in New Orleans and around Louisiana.

“Dan the Cello Man” has another good-as-gold Oscar-winning number.

Dan says, “one of the great melodies of all time from The Wizard of Oz, another award winner.”

Wild Bill knows, “producers almost cut the song from the movie to save time!”

“Dan the Cello Man” knows his musical numbers.

He started playing before he was five.  Now he’s assistant principal cellist with the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra.

And he performs around the world. He knows how to get a standing ovation.

Just like the time he played the National Anthem at a New Orleans Pelicans game.

Wild Bill says , “I think you got more applause than the basketball team!”

Dan says, “everybody responds to the magic of music and magic of cello because  the music gives movies all their character.”

“Dan the Cello Man” performs LIVE on WGNO News with a Twist after the Oscars Sunday night February 24.