Hollywood South News with Jabari: Governor John Bel Edwards talks about the future of the film industry


The future of Hollywood South

Multiple film productions are around the area shooting movies, but a couple of months ago, film workers were wondering if it would ever pick back up again.

After the Tax Incentives changed, things just weren’t the same. From Louisiana’s new governor John Bel Edwards, his plans are to keep the industry going and make the industry more stable.

Check out what he plans to do in the next session in Baton Rouge this summer.

Terence Blanchard

Imagine some of your favorite movies without a music soundtrack. It would get pretty boring. In fact, most films are edited before the music is even created.

Local musician and composer Terence Blanchard recently composed a film called The Comedian starring Robert De Niro. Blanchard said in the interview “A movie without music is like life without color.”