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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — A recent survey asked more than 1,000 mothers: what do you consider to be the ideal Mother’s Day gift?

The perfect present, it turns out, is the gift of time and serenity for taking a nap. Eighteen U.S. states voted that a nap was the most sought-after gift. Five states — Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin — were in the Midwest alone.  

“Proving that midwestern moms really need to get some sleep,” wrote, which surveyed 1,024 moms who have children living at home.

Nearly 66% of the mothers worked full-time jobs and 27% were stay-at-home moms.

Following naps, the second-most desirable gift for moms on Mother’s Day is a meal that they don’t have to cook. Help with chores, such as cleaning the house, was the third most-coveted present.

The gift of chores was tops in states including Alaska, California, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Texas, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Wyoming. 

“It turns out moms don’t want a vacuum, they want someone to vacuum,” wrote

Once the cooking and cleaning are handled, the next best gifts were a spa treatment, flowers, or a thoughtful card.

The poll also asked mothers, if they could take a full day off away from their children, would they? Nearly 67% answered, “yes,” while 33% said “no.” poll results state-by-state

“Many consider being a mom the hardest job in the world. Moms are coaches, multitaskers, planners, diaper changers, mediators, chauffeurs, nurses, teachers, and more. These days, most moms tackle these tasks while also maintaining a full-time career,” wrote. “So the least we can do for mom is to give her exactly what she wants on the one day a year that’s just for her.”