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(NEXSTAR) — Any parent has been there, right? Your little one needs to go to the bathroom and there’s no toilet in sight. So what do you do? Pull over on the side of the road.

Sometimes, it’s mission accomplished. Other times, it’s a complete disaster.

On his Instagram account, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson shared a story where his diapered daughter to refused to go in her britches. Instead, she wanted to pee freely. Apparently, the Johnson family was out and about and she wanted to go in the grass.

“Then she decides to renegotiate and demands daddy pick her up because doesn’t want to ‘stand on the Lava Monster’ so I have to hold her while she pees,” he wrote.

That lava monster was the ground. Apparently, the child has quite the imagination.

As Johnson picks up his little one do to her business, he quickly notices his white sneakers are no longer squeaky clean.


“Hell, I’ll take this precious memory over my sneakers any day,” Johnson added.

In previous posts, Johnson has highlighted his daughter’s exploits including dropping noodles all over the kitchen floor and blaming it on the “paghetti fairy.”