Funeral Services announced for Trooper Chad Walker

Trooper Chad Walker. (Courtesy: Texas DPS)

Plans to honor DPS Trooper Chad Walker were released Thursday morning. Walker died Wednesday, five days after DeArthur Pinson, Jr. shot him by the side of Highway 84 on Friday, March 26th.

Visitation for Trooper Walker will be open to the public from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesdsay, April 6th at Groesbeck Funeral Home.

Funeral services will be at 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 7th, at the Groesbeck High School Football Stadium. The burial service will follow at LaSalle Cemetery.

Trooper Walker’s death hit his hometown of Groesbeck hard on Wednesday.

After hearing the news about Trooper Walker and another deputy being shot in San Antonio, Shawn Perkins, of the group. “We the People,” knew something must be done.

“What I like to see is both drivers doors both door and glass-reinforced as well as the windshield, I know there were some thoughts reinforcing the windshield I would like to take it a step further than that,”  says Perkins.

Walker’s final deed will leave more than just a strong impression. It’ll give someone another shot at life even though he lost his.

The Texas Department of Public Safety announced Monday that Trooper Walker would remain on life-support until he could share the gift of life as an organ donor.

They added that his final sacrifice embodies his actions throughout his life and service as a Texas Highway Patrol Trooper.