City of New Orleans offers COVID-19 meal assistance program in partnership with FEMA and local restaurants

NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans is offering a COVID-19 meal assistance program, which engages local restaurants to provide much-needed food to eligible New Orleanians experiencing food insecurity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We know that because of COVID-19, many of our residents are unable to put food on their tables. Local non-profit organizations have stood up in unprecedented ways to provide our people with food these last few months, and I am so grateful to them. But the need continues. That’s why we’ve partnered with FEMA and Revolution Foods to build this first-of-its-kind emergency meal program, which will help fill that gap.”

said Mayor LaToya Cantrell.

About the program

The city of New Orleans says that the program is a cost-sharing collaboration with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This program will engage Revolution Foods and its local restaurant partners to cook, package, and deliver two meals per day to vulnerable residents for at least 30 days. Eligible recipients are COVID-impacted residents not receiving other federally supported food assistance, including seniors, adults with high-risk health conditions and special medical needs, COVID-positive individuals, or those who are quarantined, homeless residents, and children under age 18. The New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (NOHSEP) will manage this meal-assistance program on behalf of the City. The Greater New Orleans Foundation played a critical role in assisting the City to analyze food insecurity data and to develop a model that would both feed people in need and provide a lifeline to the struggling restaurant industry.

The city of New Orleans says that beginning this month, fresh, nutritious meals are being prepared by more than 100 local restaurants through the Chef’s Brigade coalition along with Revolution Foods, organized and stored by the New Orleans Culinary & Hospitality Institute (NOCHI), packaged by Revolution Foods, and delivered by d’livery NOLA to several central feeding sites and, in some cases, to residents’ homes. This program is expected to re-employ several hundred New Orleanians who have been out of work due to the pandemic. Restaurants that would like to join in this effort should use the form found on the Chef’s Brigade website: chefsbrigadenola.org.

“Chef’s Brigade is a now proven concept and system that is a true disaster-response food machine. We’ve built a nimble, scalable, and powerful mechanism to produce enormous quantities of nutritious New Orleans comfort foods for those in need while providing an emergency financial lifeline to many in our beloved and culturally important restaurant industry, whether that’s restaurants, purveyors or independent chefs.”

said Chef’s Brigade founder and Executive Director Troy Gilbert.

“We’re committed to providing greater access to healthy and delicious, chef-crafted meals and are honored to support this innovative model that is not only nourishing thousands of NOLA residents but also supporting hundreds of local jobs”

said Kristin Groos Richmond, founder and CEO of Revolution Foods.

How to apply to receive meals

If you are in need of food, are in any of the following categories, and are not receiving any other federal food support, call 3-1-1 (504-658-2299) or go to nola.gov/311 to apply for this program, which serves:

Per FEMA rules regarding duplication of benefits, residents already receiving food assistance through SNAP, Meals on Wheels, the NOLA Public Schools Meal Program, or the State-sponsored homeless hotel services will be ineligible for this program. If you do not meet the eligibility requirements of this program and you are in need of food assistance, please call 2-1-1 to be connected to other services.