Gov. Edwards signs proclamation making it easier for out of state medical professionals to practice in Louisiana

Nurses leave Elmhurst Hospital Center where COVID-19 testing continues outside, Friday, March 27, 2020, in New York. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

BATON ROUGE – On Tuesday, Gov. John Bel Edwards signed a proclamation that eases medical licensure laws to make it easier for health care professionals out of state to come to Louisiana to practice during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Additionally, the proclamation makes clear that funeral services can and should be conducted as expeditiously as possible and that the 10-person limit applies for those services.

“I am so incredibly grateful for our medical professionals here in Louisiana and those from other states who have volunteered to come to our state and help,” Gov. Edwards said. “We desperately need these professionals to join our local health care heroes to fight COVID-19 in Louisiana.”

Health care workers from out of state can get free flights through Delta Airlines into Louisiana to help as medical volunteers.

First, they should register at LAVA.DHH.louisiana.gov.

People who want to take advantage of this in Louisiana should email LHA-HealthPro@lhaonline.org.

To read the proclamation, click here here.


Gov. Edwards has issued a number of orders designed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Louisiana and flatten the curve. They are:

March 11: Original declaration of Public Health Emergency, restrictions

March 13: Transportation, health care, administrative

March 14: Restrictions on establishments, closures, legal deadlines

March 19:Education, health care, administrative

March 22: Stay at Home order

March 26: First responders, law enforcement

In addition, Gov. Edwards issued a proclamation on March 13 moving Louisiana’s elections, which can be found here.