Helping Catholics cope with the new normal

It’s the most Holy season of the year for Catholics, but giving up going to mass during Lent isn’t usually an option.

Public masses are suspended and the rules regarding receiving the sacraments have shifted. The Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans, led by Archbishop Gregory Aymond, has put gatherings on hold for public health reasons, but many people are depending on their faith to see them through this crisis.

WGNO reporter Stephanie Oswald spoke with the pastor of St. Rita Catholic Church in Harahan, Father Steven Bruno, to get his perspective on keeping calm during this storm.

“This is where we have to recognize that God operates beyond the building, beyond the congregation, that time when we gather for mass,” he says.

Despite empty pews and dry containers where Holy Water would normally be found, there are still plenty of ways to keep the faith: Watching mass on television, reading the Bible and following live streaming are some options. Father Steve say his church is one of many that are even talking about ‘drive-through’ confessions.

In fact, Father Steve says this crisis is a time for families to take stock of what they have, instead of what they are missing.

“Think about how many families, have been looking — they work so many hours, kids are being driven from this practice to that practice, from school to social events, and they’re looking for some time that they can schedule some downtime with their family. Well this is an opportunity for that.”

For the Catholic community, there may be two different ressurections this year, one will be Easter, April 12th, and the other, when the pews are filled again.