How does Louisiana measure up in terms of COVID-19 vaccinations?

LOUISIANA (KLFY) — In Louisiana over 1.3 million people have completed their vaccination series.

In Acadiana, about 150,000 have rolled up their sleeves.

Dr. Rebecca Curran with Our Lady of Lourdes Physician Group says although restrictions have eased, it is important that we remember we are still in a pandemic, and one of the easiest ways out is to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

“Every person who is vaccinated is one less chance for the virus to jump, one less chance for the virus to explode,” Dr. Curran continues.

She is aiming to inform her patients and the public with the best, most factual information available.

“It’s another step on the way back to normal,” adds Curran.

Right now, 28% of Louisiana residents are fully vaccinated, as compared to the national average of 35%.

Of the eight regions in the state, region four, which represents Acadiana, sits at number four.

Dr. Curran explains, “I think we need to protect ourselves from COVID both for your own health and the downside of having to quarantine.”

As an epidemiologist and physician in family medicine, Curran shares some of the concerns her patients have had.

“People have a lot of safety concerns. This all happened very fast. COVID happened fast, and the vaccine happened incredibly fast,” says Curran.

Louisiana has three available vaccine options.

The two-shot Pfizer for people 16 and older, and emergency use for children as young as 12.

The Moderna and the Johnson and Johnson vaccines are approved for anyone 18 and older.

Dr. Curran explains, “We need to get back to normal. The more people vaccinated the better we will be.”