Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng outlines Phase One for reopening Jefferson Parish

JEFFERSON, LA – Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng joined other State and Parish leaders at a press conference on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 to outline Jefferson Parish’s phased plan of reopening.

Starting this Friday, May 15, Jefferson Parish will move to Phase One, which follows the White House COVID-19 guidance, removing the Stay at Home order for citizens and allowing additional businesses to open under strict occupancy, protection and social distancing guidelines.

This falls in line with Governor John Bel Edwards’ order for the State of Louisiana. Business and faith leaders can visit OpenSafely.la.gov to access additional resources and receive guidance and updates from the State Fire Marshal’s office and the Louisiana Department of Health.

Phase One guidance will allow essential businesses, as defined by CISA, to remain open. Non-essential businesses (sometimes called “gray area” businesses) and places of worship may remain open at 25 percent of their occupancy. All business owners should read Governor John Bel Edwards’ order to understand which category their business falls into.

The Jefferson Back to Business Plan, released by the Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO), the Jefferson Parish Council and Administration, also outlines which Jefferson Parish businesses will open in Phase One. This plan was developed based on Federal and State regulations and in concert with medical leaders and an industry task force to ensure the economy reopens in a way that is thoughtful and rooted in public health to ensure the safety of residents and employees.

New types of businesses that may open beginning on Friday, May 15, with 25 percent occupancy limits, sanitation guidelines and spacing for physical distancing include:

The following businesses remain closed during Phase One:

According to Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng, “Please know that the safety and health of our citizens is a top priority as we transition to reopening the Jefferson Parish economy. High risk individuals should continue to stay at home, except for essential activities, like getting food or medical care. Everyone should practice social distancing and wear face coverings in public to protect the people around them. Regardless of what phase we are in, we all have a role to play in this and we must remain vigilant against this virus which still exists in our community.”

As Jefferson Parish transitions into Phase One, there are some changes in regards to reopening Jefferson Parish Government Buildings and how some Jefferson Parish Departments will operate, including the following:

Effective Friday, May 15, 2020:

Effective Monday, May 18, 2020: