St. Tammany Council on Aging will distribute food to residents

ST. TAMMANY PARISH, La. – The St. Tammany Council on Aging (COAST) will distribute food boxes to St. Tammany residents aged 60 and older at various locations starting Thursday, April 16.

Each box is equal to five meals and contains non-perishable items such as canned meat, juice boxes, cookies, canned fruit, and powdered milk.

To be eligible to pick up a food box, residents must produce a state-issued ID card showing the birthdate of the recipient. Family or friends can pick up boxes for a senior, but must have the senior’s ID card or a legible copy. It is not necessary to be a current client of COAST to receive meals.

COAST has set up a “no contact” system. Seniors/recipients will drive to the designated registration area and place the ID card against the inside glass of the driver’s side window. COAST staff will confirm and instruct the car to the pick-up area.

At the pick-up area, the driver will exit their car, pick up a food box, and immediately return to their vehicle. The table with food boxes will be sanitized after each pick-up.

Distribution will begin at 9:00 a.m. at COAST Activity Centers at the following locations: