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BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPROUD) – COVID-19 has taken the lives of nearly 10,000 Louisianians, but there are thousands more who have gone home after recovering.

One year ago, Darryl Henderson thought he had a simple cold, but it became something he never imagined.

“A week went by and then somewhere down the line my breathing can completely to a stop and the machine began to breath for me totally” said Henderson.

After being diagnosed with COVID-19, he was put on a ventilator and spent 26 days at Baton Rouge General.

“In there I prayed more than I ever prayed in my life. I was thinking man this can’t be how I’m going to leave here, it just can’t” said Henderson.

Tuesday, Henderson reflected on the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 in the state and said it was an experience unlike any other.

“What I endured, I never endured in my life. Never had a fear of anything, never had a fear of anything or never been that close to having a death experience” said Henderson.

Since March of 2020, thousands of Louisianians have lost their battle with the virus, but for the survivors, surviving feels like a miracle.

“Man they had said you were dead and I’m like, man God had the last word and I’m here” said Henderson

The battle against the virus isn’t over he’s praying no one has to endure what changed his life, forever.

“What it has been is a humbling experience, it changes, it changes you man” said Henderson.