Family holds memorial service one year after couple died on same day from COVID-19

Since the pandemic began, we have been forced to change the way we do things, or put many things in life on hold, for health and safety. One family had a memorial service in Lake Charles this weekend, for Steve and Barbara Randolph, one year after the couple passed away from COVID-19. They wanted to have a proper service when the state eased pandemic restrictions.

Steve was a former church pastor. Barbara was a former child care worker. They both passed away on April 11, 2020, after a battling the coronavirus in the hospital for two weeks. The family was not allowed to be there when they died, because of strict pandemic restrictions at the time.

“They were both full of joy, and their love for God, ” said daughter Jessica Randolph.

Shortly before their deaths, Steve and Barbara were put in the same room at the hospital. On their final day, he reached out for her hand. A picture was taken of the couple holding hands the moment they passed away.

On Saturday, the family was able to have a memorial service for them, now that many coronavirus restrictions have been pulled back.

“We just go day by day. praying and seeking God, and keep their memories alive,” said Randolph.

Daughter Ashley Briscoe says there was no funeral for her parents last year. The family chose cremation. The memorial service was the first time for the entire family to come together to celebrate their lives. She says the service brought a sense of closure.