Heat advisory: Outdoor workers aim to stay safe during high temps

JACKSON, Miss. (WJTV) — Monday marked the first day of 2021 in which a widespread heat advisory was put into place in Mississippi.

While many people are able to work inside during the heat, others make a living by being outdoors. The heat could be tough on roofers, because they are exposed to direct sunlight with no shade.

Wyatt Milnick, who works with A-1 Roof Savers in Jackson, said they have to be cautious of their heat exposure.

“We just try to stay covered up. You see I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt. A lot of people look at me like I’m crazy but keeping the sun off you is the main thing. The sun is beaming and just keep the sun’s rays off you. That’s why I have this big hat on and try to stay in the shade as much as possible. I can’t tell you how many people we’ve had fall out, start cramping up, laying on the ground screaming and crying and can’t do nothing about it because they are not taking breaks, they’re not drinking enough water,” he stated.

If you plan to be outside on Monday, remember to drink plenty of water, dress for the weather and pay attention to your body.