Optometrist in Louisiana offers tips for contact wearers during COVID-19 pandemic

SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) — We’ve heard a lot throughout the COVID-19 pandemic to not touch our faces, but how should contact wearers approach things?

Dr. Stephen Lewis, an optometrist at Willis-Knighton Eye Institute in Shreveport, has some tips for contact wearers to stay safe.

First, he recommends moving to glasses for the time being.

“Sometimes the glasses might can offer a barrier to the respiratory droplets.” Dr. Lewis said. “So, if you’re wearing glasses, it’s not 100% effective, but it can be two barriers so you can avoid those droplets that might be in the air.”

He also adds to wash your hands before you handle your contacts, and if soap and water are not available, use a hand-sanitizer.

It’s also allergy season, which means contact wearers are more likely to rub their eyes. Lewis says there are some over-the-counter remedies to fight off the allergies so you can avoid touching your face.

“There are allergy medications over the counter by mouth,” Dr. Lewis said. “They also have good over-the-counter eye drops, that used to be by prescription that you could consider using to minimize the need to feel to rub your eyes.”

Lewis added to move to a daily disposable lens during the pandemic instead of the long term options.