Top Three Questions about Tattoo Removal

(DOUG JESSOP’S JESSOP’S JOURNEYS – ABC4 NEWS – SALT LAKE CITY, UT) As many as 145 million people in the United States have at least one tattoo. What happens is you want to change or remove that tattoo? Come to find out that the answer to both of those questions just might be a patented technology from a company called Tatt2Away.

I visited with Jazz Wilkey, the National Trainer and Corporate Training Coordinator for Tatt2Away and she showed me a wall of “before and after” pictures. Let’s just say that in this case pictures are worth a thousand words, so I invite you to watch the video.

I asked her what the top three (3) questions she gets about tattoo removal. Do you have any guesses?

Here they are:

#1 – How is Tatt2Away different?

#2 – How much is it going to cost?

#3 – Is it going to hurt?

To get the answers, yes, watch the video! Do you really think I was going to tell you everything in the printed story? TV is about video, and the pictures are pretty impressive.

Everyone has a story. I strongly feel that “stories have power”. Chances are that if you are going through something, that someone else probably has as well. The shared experiences we humans have can help each other. That my friend makes the point that stories “help us understand each other.”

You don’t have to agree with everyone, but in my opinion, if people would take more time getting to knowing more about others and where they are coming from, we just might find out that we have more similarities than differences.

Please consider following me at www.DougJessop.com, www.YouTube.com/dougjessop , www.Facebook.com/dougjessopnews, www.Instagram.com/dougjessopnews and www.Twitter.com/dougjessopnews

You can also see my positive business profiles called “Utah Success Stories” every Sunday in the ABC4 News at 10 p.m. or online at www.ABC4.com/Success

With another entry about people, places, and things you might not know about on Jessop’s Journeys, I’m Doug Jessop, ABC4 News.

The story contains sponsored content.