Here come the cookies! Girl Scouts roll in the dough by rolling out their dough (it’s baked, of course)

NEW ORLEANS – Friday, February 22 is the day.

It’s the day Girl Scouts start selling their famous Girl Scout Cookies at booths set up across the country.

The booth sales will continue through Sunday, March 10

They’ve been selling cookies for  more than 100 years.

They’re the Girl Scouts, of course.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood tags along with a couple of Girl Scout sisters in New Orleans.

They’re the latest members of the club called Wild Bill’s Amazing Kids brought to you by your friends at The Keating Law Firm.

The Girl Scouts  that Wild Bill Wood bumps into are more than Girl Scouts.

They are sisters in the Girl Scout Cookie business.

And they are sisters in real life.

The sisters are Petra. She’s eleven-years-old.  And Carolina. She’s eight-years-old.

They are the Plaia sisters. And they are competitive. They plan and figure out who can sell more cookies.

They’ll remind you of another pair of sisters.

The Williams sisters of tennis.

They compete for cookie sales.  But in the end, it’s all about love.

Sister love.

And the Plaias are professionals when it comes to cookies and how to get customers to always say yes.

They’ve got their selling techniques perfected.  They go door-to-door in the neighborhood.

And it’s simple.  Their technique.  Their style.

They never, ever take no for an answer.

They’ve got the Girl Scout cookie menu memorized. They can name all of them. They can tell you what’s gluten-free and what’s vegan.

If they knock on your door, soon  Girl Scout Cookies will fill your cupboard.