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NEW ORLEANS– WGNO Reporter Kenny Lopez is collecting acts of kindness to share some good in these stressful times.

Today he’s showcasing a few local businesses who are in the big business of being kind.

For the past 3 days, Harkins, The Florist flower shop on Magazine Street has been putting out their flowers for free, for anyone to pick up.

The owner says that he didn’t want to throw all the pretty flowers in the garbage because they are worth a couple thousand dollars, and he wanted to do something nice for people.

Over at PJ’s Coffee in Metairie they are giving away free toilet paper to anyone who buys a pastry. Toilet paper is a hot item right now, just like PJ’s Coffee.

Ben Collier, the owner of Ben’s Burgers in Metairie knew he wanted to do something to step up to help those working on the front lines.

“So I had a former teacher of mine that donated $500 in gift cards to me at my restaurant. I found a nurse friend who works at Tulane Hospital Downtown and we decided we were going to turn this into something good. We made her 140 hamburgers to bring to her shift at work. She was able to give them to the nurses, doctors, security guards, really just to brighten someone’s days,” Collier said.

Please e-mail your Acts of Kindness to Kenny at Kenny will be compiling all the kindness into special reports that you can see right here on and on our newscasts.