Kenny’s Acts of Kindness Day 7: Teachers actions spell out K-I-N-D

NEW ORLEANS– Virtual learning for students is the only way to go right now. Teachers are forced to come up with innovative ways to reach their students.

WGNO Kenny Lopez is collecting acts of kindness to share some good in these stressful times.

Abby Samuelson is the 4th grade Reading Interventionist at Kipp Leadership Primary in New Orleans. She’s doing the kind thing by challenging her students virtual lessons and daily Instagram video challenges.

“We’ve seen so much student engagement with it. What this process has shown me is that even though we are not learning face to face, when you are committed to letting students know you are there for them— anything is possible,” she said.

Remote learning is now the new normal.

“It really shows that remote learning is possible, not idea, but we are making sure the kids feel loved. We are making sure that they get the education they deserve,” she said.

Please e-mail your acts of kindness to Kenny at kenny@digital-staging.wgno.com. Kenny will be compiling all the kindness into special reports that you can see right here on WGNO.com and on our newscasts.