Kiss me, I’m Irish… Maybe not at Irish Channel Parade

UPDATE: Irish Channel Parade has been canceled due to coronavirus concerns. Mayor LaToya Cantrell just made the announcement in a press conference.

NEW ORLEANS– If you head to the Irish Channel Parade this weekend, don’t be surprised if you don’t get that traditional Irish kiss from one of the marchers at the parade.

With coronavirus concerns, organizers say they’ll make a few changes to ease everyone’s worries.

Ronnie Burke with the St. Patrick’s Day Committee says the Irish Parade is ready for to play it safe at their parade on Saturday.

“We told the guys marching that if you give a lady a flower and they don’t want a kiss, just move on, and don’t be offended. And also to the parade-goers they need to not be offended if the marcher doesn’t want to give out a kiss,” he said.

Instead these friendly Irishmen will offer smiles, fist bumps, and winks.

“I’m just going to give a flower and say Happy St. Patrick’s Day,” he said.

Although you won’t hear ‘kiss me, I’m Irish, you’ll still feel the love.

“We will have fun no matter what,” Burke said.

Also they plan on still tossing cabbages and veggies at the parade.

Right now organizers say they are in constant contact with the city over any changes made to the parade due to coronavirus concerns.

As of now the Irish Channel Parade will still roll at 1 p.m. this Saturday.