LIVE ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL: Karen Carter Peterson goes door-knocking to get voters to the polls, as she’s in the running for the open congressional seat.

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) In the running for the congressional seat left open by Cedrick Richmond is, Karen Carter Peterson.

She’s a well-known politician in Louisiana and has been at the forefront of fighting for working families in Louisiana’s 2nd District. Now, she’s hoping to take a seat at a higher level.

The morning of election day, Peterson said she was feeling good about where she’s at in the running and what her campaigning platform stood for. Peterson spent the day trying to get those last-minute votes in by going door-knocking to reach extra voters and reminding them to get out there and vote.

Peterson has had a lot of support around her throughout her campaign, helping her to get to this spot. This is a coveted spot open in congress, now that Cedric Richmond is working in the White House. To name a few of Peterson’s priorities, if elected she plans on creating a champion of criminal justice reform and police reform. She hopes to work on gun safety solutions, immediate Covid-19 relief and Peterson says, she plans to focus on strengthening small businesses.

Peterson is a community person. Born and raised right here in New Orleans, and she says she always wants to be surrounded by people she serves.

“We’ve consistently had for the last 3 months just a robust volunteer effort and I’m really energized by it and I’m really optimistic about what’s happening today. We’ve got great voter turnout and this is only going to make it even better with all these volunteers knocking on doors and encouraging people to exercise their right to vote and vote KCP,” shared Peterson.

After speaking to Arthur Morrell, the Supervisor of Elections, he said early voting had a great turn out and he was hoping today would be the same. He is predicting the race for Cedrick Richmond’s seat in congress could be a close call.
So if you haven’t voted yet, you still have a few hours to get out here. Polls will close at 8 p.m. tonight.