Local shooting range owner speaks out about gun control battle on Capitol Hill

ST. BERNARD PARISH, LA. — Brannon LeBouef owns the St. Bernard Indoor Shooting Range…and he says the talk of gun control in Washington has boosted sales.

“There definitely has been an uptick in gun sales. Now, with the current legislation of various types of restrictive gun laws, we are starting to see particularly on things, like you, know AR-15s and higher capacity magazines, and things like that,” said LeBouef.

The White House has swiftly responded to two recent mass shootings that left 18 people dead with a push for stronger gun control.

“It should not be a partisan issue. This is an American issue, it will save lives,” said President Biden at a recent press conference.

While Democrats are urging the senate to pass two house approved background check bills, Republicans, like Louisiana Senator John Kennedy, says the legislation would hurt legal gun owners.

“We don’t need more gun control. We need more idiot control. I don’t see any reason to condemn the hundred million plus gun owners who are obeying the law to try to solve this problem,” said Sen. Kennedy.

 For Brannon LeBouef, the issue of gun legislation should not be a partisan fight.

“It’s kind of like, you know, which side of a two faced snake are you going to believe. It should not be a partisan issue. First and foremost, it shouldn’t be an issue. But, if you were going to try to apply some logic to it, it should be something that makes sense, and have a real opportunity to make positive and effective change,” said LeBouef.

But until lawmakers can come to an agreement, the battle on the second amendment goes on.