$5 million from Entergy will be used to solve S&WB crisis

NEW ORLEANS – With the Entergy paid actor scandal fully investigated, a resolution has been reached with a potential settlement.

Regarding Entergy and the New Orleans Power Station (NOPS), Public Works Committee Chair Joe Giarrusso explained, “since taking office last May, this Council has relentlessly fought on behalf of Entergy New Orleans and Sewerage Water Board (S&WB) customers. We continue to review all aspects of service and business practices by S&WB and Entergy to determine how they can better serve New Orleanians.

A investigation has been launched to uncover the reliability of Entergy during their most common power interruption, “clear-skies” outages related to poor maintenance.

The NOPS technical record indicates that a solution is necessary and the outcome can also be improved for ratepayers.

Council members says this settlement will not satisfy everyone – but it is a very good outcome that avoids the most harm for the people of New Orleans.

Based on concessions offered by Entergy, they will first pay a $5 million fine that will predominantly be used to tackle the power crisis at S&WB. And further, Entergy will commit to a number of improvements to the NOPS plant, including cost-effective technological and sustainable  advancements.

“These changes are good for our city and our future. Our work to improve services by Entergy and the S&WB is hardly complete, said Giarrusso. “As we move forward, there are still better things to come. And we’ll continue to listen to you, work with you, and do our best to build a better New Orleans for all.”