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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)— With summer right around the corner, Airbnb is cracking down on parties ahead of two big holiday weekends.

On Wednesday, Airbnb announced new rules for Airbnb renters. The new rules only apply to certain Airbnb renters with a history of partying.

The business is re-instituting strict anti-party measures for the 4th of July 2022 and expanding the anti-party system to include Memorial Day weekend.

Here are the new rules:

  • For one-night reservations — Guests without a history of positive reviews on Airbnb will be prohibited from making one-night reservations in entire home listings.
  • For two-night reservations — As July 4 approaches, more stringent restrictions on certain two-night reservation attempts. For example, Airbnb will leverage and amplify their technology that restricts certain local or last-minute bookings by guests without a history of positive reviews on Airbnb.
  • Guests who have a history of positive reviews on Airbnb will not be subject to these restrictions.
  • Anti-party attestations to guests attempting to make local reservations, in which they must affirmatively attest that they understand that Airbnb bans parties and if they break that rule, they may be subject to legal action from the company.

In New Orleans, over 600 people were blocked preemptively by this system to book an Airbnb over the 4th of July weekend in 2021.

Some visitors believe that the change in these new rules may not stop the party. While others believe it will be very helpful in cutting down on rowdy parties and damages to the properties.

With the plan, Airbnb hopes the party will stay on the streets.

For more information on the new rules click HERE.

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