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KENNER, La. (WGNO) – “If you have a passenger in the vehicle, let that passenger send that text message. A text message is not worth your life,” says Trooper Melissa Matey.

That’s the main message Trooper Matey wants drivers to grasp and not only during the month of April.

But the rules are much different for teens seventeen and under according to the state’s graduated drivers license law.

Trooper Matey says if you fall in this category you’re not allowed to use electronic devices behind the wheel, period.

“It is completely prohibited. That includes cell phone use, blue tooth, or any other electronic device,” says Matey.

Teen drivers are restricted on who can be in the car when they’re driving, too.

From the hours of 6 p.m. to 5 a.m., every day of the week, teen drivers are not allowed to have any passengers under the age of 21 in their vehicle, with the exception of siblings.

And Trooper Matey says while there are a lot of rules teens need to follow, parents need to do their part to encourage distraction-free driving as well.

This means being a good role model both off and on the road because the consequences add up.

“Right now the fine for a texting citation here in LA is $175 and it could be in the upwards of 500 if you’re involved in a crash,” says Matey.

Each Sunday during the Month of April we will bring you a new story about distracted driving.

This segment was brought to you by “SpeeDee Oil Change and Auto Service.”