At ‘The Addams Family’, you’ll hear Veterans Voices

METAIRIE, La. (WGNO) – It takes a team.

A family, in fact, to put The Addams Family on stage.

It’s the new show at Jefferson Performing Arts Society.

WGNO Good Morning New Orleans features reporter Bill Wood says what you’ll hear up there are Veterans Voices.

Because Hurricane Ida damaged the Jefferson Performing Arts Center on Airline Drive, The Addams Family will be on stage at the theater at East Jefferson High School at 400 Phlox Avenue in Metairie.

For tickets, just click right here, please.

The voices you hear on stage include Veterans Voices.

From Dennis Assaf, he’s the artistic director.

For this show, the maestro.

The music man.

A veteran of the Air Force.

And Eric Porter, the technical director.

Eric is a sailor.

He was in the Navy.

Both veterans believe their service in the United States military instilled in them the spirit of teamwork and discipline to get any kind of show on the road.

The Addams Family opens Friday, October 22.

The final show is on Halloween, Sunday, October 31.

You can watch for and listen to Veterans Voices over the next few weeks on WGNO News.