Attorney Juan Lafonta commissions local artists for splashy billboards

NEW ORLEANS— Rarely does anyone’s bad day equate to hanging an entire billboard upside down, but that’s just what we saw a few days ago in Gentilly.

The hardworking Outfront Billboard guys eventually straightened out their problem, but the subject of those boards, local attorney Juan Lafonta, has gotten creative and hired 4 local artists for the work on those billboards.

Lafonta said, “They all came up with their own interpretations. I commissioned Jamal Pierre, Reuben Cheatem, this one is Rome Smith. Even Lionel Milton who did some work with Dreamworks. I want to represent where I’m from, my people so that’s where I’m at.”

Lafonta is no stranger to representing ‘the people,’ and has often featured Big Freedia and others in many of his TV commercials. But, in addition to highlighting his law practice, his goal is to shine a light on New Orleans.

“I think that a lot of these bigger people are doing it differently than we’re doing it. I think we can represent our own communities and our own culture. It’s just people have to come to us and they have to trust that were gonna do the work,” said Lafonta.

As for the guys up there in the cold putting up the signs, Lafonta had nothing but praise, (laughs)”They got it right. I love Outfront. They take care of me, we have a good relationship. They’ve really liked the media because it opened the market up so that more people can say you don’t have to do a textbook advertising piece. You can do a piece that’s reflective of the community.”