Brown Boobies flock to the Causeway

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – A flock of brown boobies has taken up residence underneath the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.

The Audubon Guide to North American Birds describes the Brown Booby, which rarely strays far from the coastline, as a “large, long-winged, strong-flying seabird.”

About 20 Brown Boobies are currently nesting under the Causeway, according to Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission executive secretary Stacie Heffker.

The birds arrived sometime earlier this year, and Heffker said she doesn’t know when they plan to move on, but they aren’t causing any traffic interruptions or problems with commuters.

The boobies usually stay near the Dry Tortugas, Florida, and the only remaining nesting sites are in Hawaii, according to the Audubon Guide.