Calling all Laundry Angels! Homeless dogs and cats need your help

NEW ORLEANS –  The dogs really do have something to bark about.

And the cats can barely contain their meowing.

All at ARNO,  Animal Rescue New Orleans at 271 Plauche Street in Old Jefferson near Elmwood.

The shelter’s one-and-only washing machine broke.  The new one won’t be here for a week. Or maybe longer.

So the laundry, the blankets, sheets and towels, it’s piling up in trash bags.

That’s why Kathy Perra of ARNO is calling all angels.

That’s all Laundry Angels volunteering to do laundry for Animal Rescue New Orleans.

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood is raising his hand.

No wings.

No halo.

No problem.

Just a four-wheeled WGNO News with a Twist car with a tank full of gas and ready to roll.

The destination is Melba’s Famous Po’Boys at 1525 Elysian Fields Avenue in New Orleans.

At Melba’s you can eat, pray, love.

And do laundry.

With the help of Melba’s staff of Laundry Angels, Wild Bill gets it done.

And then it’s on the road again, back to ARNO.

The laundry’s done.

The problem’s solved.

For now.

Until the next load calls out for another Laundry Angel.

In the meantime, with clean blankets, towels and sheets, there’s no better time…..to take a cat nap.