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METAIRIE, La. (WGNO) — Jefferson Parish released new, updated flood maps from FEMA.  The maps rate areas of the parish based on their risk of flooding and are used to help determine insurance rates.

The 2016 maps replace the previous ones from 1995.  Parish leaders say the new maps account for improvements and upgrades in drainage canals, pump stations, and levees.

Here’s an example of the improvements.  According to the parish, more than 60,000 parcels saw a decrease in flood base elevation which could result in lower insurance rates based on risk.  Also, 40,000 parcels were moved from zone AE (high risk) to X (reduced risk) based on the changes from the ’95 to ’16 maps.

The parish says a small number of parcels saw an increased in base flood elevation or were adjusted to reflect a higher risk flood zone.  But they also say drainage projects are underway that could change that.  The parish hopes FEMA will review those drainage projects and amend the maps to reflect those improvements.

Even though the new maps are out, they’re not a done deal.  FEMA will have a 90 comment and appeal period then will issue a final statement to the parish.  At that point, the Jefferson Parish Council will begin considering adoption of the maps.  Six months after the final statement, the maps will take effect for insurance rate purposes.

If you’d like to view the maps, they can be found at two website addresses, and

The parish anticipates having the process complete by early next year.

If you don’t have access to the internet, you can also view the new maps during the upcoming New Orleans Home and Garden Show at the Superdome as well as at the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library at 4747 W. Napoleon Ave on March 15 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. or the Mel Ott Recreation Center at 2301 Belle Chasse Highway in Gretna on March 30 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The parish also has a way that property owners can inquire about detailed individual requests at