City of New Orleans to make 2018 property tax bills available online

New Orleans – The end of 2017 isn’t here just yet but the City says property owners need to start thinking about their 2018 property tax bills.

On Thursday (Dec. 21), the City of New Orleans will allow property owners to view and pay their property taxes online. Paper bills will be mailed beginning Tuesday, Dec. 26.

To pay your tax bill online, you need your tax bill number, which is on a current or past property tax bill. You can also find your number via the assessor website. If you pay using your checking account (E-check), there is no convenience fee. Credit or debit cards are accepted but a 2.49% processing fee is tacked on.

Property taxes are due Wednesday, January 31, 2018.

For questions about property tax payments, you can call the Bureau of the Treasury at (888) 387-8027.
