City wants candidates to remove campaign signs

Napoleon Avenue near Freret Street, Tuesday afternoon

NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans wants candidates in Saturday’s elections to remove their campaign signs from public right-of-ways.

According to the city workers, right-of-ways include streets, neutral grounds, sidewalks, alleys, and curbs.  Campaign materials covered by the law include signs, placards, posters, and other advertisements.

City Code allows for candidates to place the campaign signs on city right-of-way for a period of 48 hours before an election and 48 hours afterward.  The deadline to remove signs from the October 14 election was Monday evening.

Still many remain in place, especially along some of the busier intersections in the city.

The same code that covers campaign signs also includes notices for film crews, real estate open houses, and garage sales.  The city can fine the owners of the signs $10 for each violation with a $500 maximum penalty.

City Code also says signs in violation could be seized and removed by the sanitation or parks departments.  It says anyone who receives an invoice from the city has ten days to appeal.

People who post signs for lost pets have ten days to remove the signs.  Those signs advertising community or official neighborhood meetings are allowed to remain for five days.

