NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – It’s time to pull out all the stops, rip off the gloves, and go at it for one last round. Minutes after realizing the race for U.S. Senator in Louisiana is not over both candidates jump right back into the ring.
“I issue a challenge to congressman Cassidy, six debates, six hours,” says Senator Mary Landrieu.
“Instead of a senator that supports Barack Obama 97% or the time, you’re going to have a senator who supports you 100% of the time,” says Congressman Bill Cassidy.
“You’re going to have to say, Mr. Cassidy, more than President Obama’s names in these debates,” says Senator Landrieu.
“Can you believe it? Louisiana has a senator that has an F from the NRA. We’re the state that has given the world Duck Dynasty,” exclaims Congressman Cassidy.
Just when you thought the dirty politics was over it heats up again. Sen. Mary Landrieu trying to hold on to her seat for a fourth term, building much of her campaign on her record. Congressman Bill Cassidy builds his around condemning the senator’s relationship with the president, saying he’d be your voice.
“Congressman Bill Cassidy voted against this hospital for veterans,” says Sen. Landrieu.
Wednesday Mary Landrieu was back at it while the congressman took the day off. His camp says he’ll be available again Thursday.
Both are relying on heavy hitters to help deliver a knockout blow; Mary Landrieu gaining the support of former first lady Hillary Clinton, and Governor Bobby Jindal publicly backing Cassidy.
“This is not over yet! if you have stock in a TV station you’re going to make a lot of money over the next month,” says Cassidy.
“Bill Cassidy you cannot run. You cannot hide anymore,” says Senator Landrieu.
The runoff election is scheduled for December 6th.