Extremely low voter turnout expected for Saturday’s election

NEW ORLEANS — Louisiana is electing a new treasurer, and New Orleans is electing a new mayor, but the Louisiana Secretary of State expects only about 13 percent of eligible voters to cast a ballot in Saturday’s election.

“I’m strongly urging voters in Louisiana to get out and cast a ballot in this important statewide election,” said Secretary of State Tom Schedler. “The office of treasurer is critical to our state’s financial stability and choosing a statewide elected official is something we should all weigh in on by voting. Additionally, voters in New Orleans will be electing their mayor as well as other municipal leaders, so we believe participation in that area will surpass the overall state turnout.”

In New Orleans, City Councilwoman Latoya Cantrell and former Judge Desiree Charbonnet, both Democrats, are facing off in the mayoral election.

Former Republican state Rep. John Schroder of Covington and Democrat Derrick Edwards, a New Orleans area lawyer, are in a runoff for state treasurer.

Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

Here are some other helpful Election Day tips, courtesy of the Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office:

Watch the video below for brief interviews with Cantrell and Charbonnet:
